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Can Marquet'}; = {'ct-name':'Enter your name','ct-email':'Enter your e-mail','ct-comments':'Your message...','ct-captcha':'Captcha'}; globals.cookies = {'text':'This website uses cookies. By continuing to browse, you accept the use of cookies.','btnacc':'I want to continue','btndec':'Disable cookies','btn-panel':'Cookies Panel'}; globals.common = {'btn-label-view':'View','booking-now':'Book Now','booking':'Booking','url-booking-engine':'','alt-logo':'Can Marquet','ribbon-booking':'Best
price','main-nav-contact':'Contact','readmore':'Read More','hide':'Hide','mas-info':'More info >','phone-value':'tel:647 99 96 21','phone-label':'+34 647 99 96 21 (From May to October)','email-label':'','email-value':'','address-label':'Road from Santa Gertrudis to Sant Llorenç, 07814 Santa Gertrudis de Fruitera, Ibiza','tour-virtual':'3D Tour','my-booking':'','my-booking-text':'Manage my booking'};; globals.GetHotelDataRS = { name : "Agroturismo Can Marquet", opening : "2024-05-01", closing : "2024-10-28" }; globals.arrival = '13/03/2025'; globals.departure = '14/03/2025'; var lat = 39.001476, lng = 1.438895, zoom= 12;